Westview Band & Auxillary Parent Organization is a non-profit organization that exists to provide support to the staff and students of Westview High’s many bands. This organization runs solely on VOLUNTEERS! Support and involvement from every parent provides the best possible program and makes big jobs seem smaller by sharing the load. All families are encouraged to volunteer 10 hours (per school year) per band your student is a member of. Below are current volunteer openings for the coming 2021-22 school year. How can you help?


Lead Chaperone – Can you be at multiple events and lead our wonderful volunteers so that all jobs are run well and guide our new volunteers? This is the job for you.

Scrip Coordinator – Answer questions about how to setup Scrip, make bank deposits, sell gift cards at concerts from the box, send report to treasure for scrip for the month.

Dine Out Coordinator – Contacts local restaurants to set up monthly Dinner Night Out events for the band.

Spring Auction/Jazz Jam Coordinator – One of our big fundraising events. Do you have experience setting up and running a fundraising event? We need you!

Props Coordinator – Our Marching Band is awesome but having props make the visualization POP and the show comes to life! Do you have art design experience? Help to make the band and staff’s visions for the show a reality. Coordinate with the Marching staff regarding visual props, etc and create crew to help with construction.

Tent Crew Lead – it would be fantastic if this was someone who already was familiar with our tents. Mobilize and demobilize tents for each of our Fall marching shows.

Pit Crew Lead – it would be fantastic if this was someone who already was familiar with Pit to show how it’s done. Work with our Pit band members at each of our Fall marching shows to move instruments in and out ready to perform.

Food Crew Lead/s – this has got to be one of the biggest reward jobs for our volunteers. Who else would be so loved by a group of teens? Coordinate feeding all band members and volunteers healthy meals and snacks during competition season; includes menu planning, shopping/picking up food donations, set up at events. Partner with local vendors for food/meal donations.

Please email [email protected] if interested in any of these exciting opportunities. Keep in mind that these are not the full list of volunteer opportunities, just the ones we are aware of at present. All parents/guardians are welcome to attend our monthly Booster Organization meetings (check the calendar for dates) to find out about upcoming volunteer needs or email any time to ask for an update!