2024 Volunteer needs

We love our volunteers and are looking for a few more for the following positions:

  • Pit Crew Coordinator – this person makes sure there are parents/volunteers available to help the front ensemble (the large equipment played at the front of the field) roll onto the football field.  This is a great job for a parent of one of the players
  • Props Coordinator – this person will work with band design staff to come up with a plan for props (think of the giant walls on wheels we have used in the past).  We have a lot of supplies already and there are already helpers lined up.  We just need a coordinator with a little creativity and comfort with simple tools to come kick things off.
  • Food Coordinator – this is the band’s very favorite person.  This person works to ensure that there is food at the competitions.  It can be super simple or super fancy.  We have the tools to make your food dreams come true and a google drive of menu plans and contacts to help make things happen.  Do you like managing food and earning the adoration of large groups of hungry people?  This could be the job for you!
  • Sustainability Coordinator – this position maintains Westview’s green initiatives by managing our reusable supplies.  This person can work hand in hand with the Food Coordinator, making sure we have clean dishes and cooking tools.  It requires organization, but washing duties are shared out to all the parents for volunteer hours, so it is not a huge time commitment.

Please join us at the Booster meeting Wednesday 8/14/24 or at the Parent Preview night Friday 8/16/24